
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why I can never, ever show my face in the Orthodontist office again as long as I live.....

Did I ever tell you about the time Jackson totally and completely humilated me? Well, one of the times, anyway. Here is how it started.......
Once in a while I get nice comments about the kids. Someone might say, "Your kids are so well-behaved," or "You have a nice family," or some such compliment. Well, Cara has been going to the orthodontist since she turned 12; that's a lot of sitting in the office waiting for her. And in the beginning, I took all the kids, since I really had no choice, and it was fine. They brought their books and read, and shared seats if we crowded up the room too much. So one day I got this letter in the mail from one of the ladies that works there. It was a really sweet note about how lovely the children were, and how well-behaved, and how it was nice to see a such a nice family. So, I thought, yeah, I must be doing something right........

The VERY NEXT TIME I went into that office, I got taken down a couple--ok about 10--pegs. And here is how it all went down.

In the office, they have this bulletin board on an easle type stand. I happened to be sitting by it. Well, little Jackson had learned how to walk (I'm thinking he was maybe 18 months or so), and he wasn't into sitting on Mom's lap anymore. Ok, so he's got alot of energy, and he's been harder to tame than the others (or I went soft, which could be likely, I admit it), anyway, I let him down to go talk to his siblings who were nicely sitting with their books on a bench across from where I was sitting (by the easel thingy). Then I call him back to me, only he doesn't come back to me, he comes over and grabs ahold of the easel board stand and pulls. So the stand tips over and the board comes off and smacks onto my head. I'm sitting there trying to keep the thing from hitting the ground, so I can't grab Jackson, cause my hands are full of this bulletin board in one hand and the stand in the other hand. So I look at my kids who are staring at the whole thing and doing absolutely NOTHING, and sweetly (or maybe it wasn't so sweetly, I can't remember...) say, "Could I get a little help, please". As soon as those words left my mouth, is when things took a horrible turn.........

You see, this orthodontist is only up here one day a week. So his office is kinda a temporary office set-up with false walls. I don't know what you call those walls, but portable walls you can set up where ever you need them. Well, just a little behind me was a wall. And just behind that wall was the orthodontist working on a patient.

Oh, yes, he did.

Jackson pushed the wall over onto the orthodontist!!!!!

I stood up, righted the easel and stand (an office lady was rushing over to fix the wall), apologized profusely, and grabbed my children and walked out. What else could I do??

I will never forget the look on that orthodontist's face as long as I live.

Oh the shame. Because you see, MY kids aren't supposed to act like that in public. That is reserved for other people's kids.

Needless to say, we all wait in the car for Cara now. It could be 100 degrees or 30 degrees (and even though Jackson does know how to sit quietly for the most part now), it doesn't matter, we wait in the car! One day soon, I will have to face Dr. Brizendine again, cause Nick is due for braces, and I will have to take him in for a consultation. Let's just hope he won't remember me. Maybe I'll get some dark sunglasses and a wig?


I wonder how many times the Lord looks at the stuff I do and says, "MY daughter shouldn't be acting like that." How many times do I shame His name with my temper, selfishness, lack of self-control, complaining, and the list goes on and on? And yet, he still calls me His own. Not because I deserve it, that is for SURE, but because I am His child and He loves me. I am His child because of His grace.

Thank You, Jesus!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

That was hillarious!!! "And the walls came tumbling down." Jericho Jackson heh heh.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1