
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Sometimes I think too much. I think of where we are heading morally as a nation, and it scares me. I think about the financial crisis we are facing, and it scares me, because I wonder if my family will be the next one to lose our income. I worry about losing our freedoms to worship as we feel led, and I worry about losing our children to an ever encroaching government. I worry about the future my children will have to live in. So in an effort to live in the now, and not worry about the future I so dolefully imagine (because I know that God has things in His control, anyway), I thought I should list some things I am thankful for.

~~I am thankful to be able to worship God freely. To be able to pick from a long list of local churches, and worship in the way God calls me to. I am thankful for a loving church family and for a houseful of Bibles, more than one for each of us.

~~I am thankful that God has always supplied our every need, and he promises to do that in the future too. He is not surprised when the economy is bad, and He owns the cattle on 1000 hills, and so I don't have to worry that we won't have everything we need.

~~I am thankful for a healthy family. I am also thankful for health care when we need it, and asthma medicine, because it's really nice to breath. :-)

~~I am thankful for a hardworking husband who gets up each day long before daylight, and works so hard, so that we can pay our bills and have the things we need, and so that I can stay home and be a mom to our children. I am thankful for the way he is always willing to drive the kids where they need to be, takes them camping, and loves us. I love the way he calles me every day to let me know when he will be home from work.

~~I am thankful for the blessing of our 7 children. The world may say that children are a burden, and even some in the church seem to feel that way by their actions and statements, but I know that God says children are a blessing, and a gift. I am thankful for the blessing of spending my days with these little, and not so little anymore, people who will soon be out in the world, hopefully and prayerfully serving God where ever he may place them. I am thankful we can start our mornings reading God's word together, and then end our school days in the afternoon snuggled together drinking lattes or eating a snack with a good read-aloud book. I am thankful for the freedom to teach them at home, and talk to them all throughout the day about the things of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4-7).

~~I am thankful for the cars we drive, the house we live in, warm beds to snuggle into at night, clothes to wear, and plenty of food on our table.

~~I am thankful that God gave me wonderful Christian parents to raise me and teach me about Him. I am thankful they are still around to enjoy and learn from.

~~I am thankful for an extended family that loves each other and gets together several times a year, just to be together.

~~I am thankful my children genuinely love each other and most of the time get along together, and help each other. I am thankful for the way Jackson runs up to Danny each morning before he leaves, to get his hug and a kiss. And for the way the little ones generously save all their candy from Awana together in a box, so they can take it out and share it with the whole family, like they did tonight after dinner. Not because the rest of us need the candy, but because it shows their love and willingness to share the things that God has blessed them with.

So there's just a small list of things I can thank God for everyday. He is so good!

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1