
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I don't like confrontations.....

Yesterday was the Big Shopping Trip day. This occurs once every 2 weeks. It was Joey's turn to be my helper, so off we went. We did our shopping, Joey was a great helper, and then as we were unloading our grocery cart at Savemart, I looked up to see the Cosmopolitan magazine staring me in the face. I hate that magazine. It's always got really sleazy article titles pasted all over the front. (So do others, but Cosmo is generally always the worst). So, I did what I usually do, which is turn the top magazine around backwards. Only that didn't help, because on the back was a picture of an almost nude woman. So then I took a cooking magazine and covered Mrs. Naked up. Then I went back to unloading my groceries. Well, a store employee came up and proceded to remove my cooking magazine cover-up job. I told her, " You know, I find that magazine offensive and bordering on pornography and I don't think my 9 year old son should have to look at that." She bristled, "That magazine is on every checkout isle in every store. It's Cosmo." (As if I was somehow too stupid to read the title of the magazine). Then she walked off, and I immediately replaced the cooking magazine over the Cosmo and went about my business of paying for the groceries. During all this, Joey was in a place he frequents, a place we lovingly call "Joey's World". In other words, he was oblivious, which was a good thing. So then my willing little helper and I loaded the groceries into the suburban and I left Joey securely locked in the car and went back into the store and asked for a manager. I was pointed to a man whose name tag said Head Clerk, which isn't exactly a manager, but oh well. So I shakily told him (remember, I don't like confrontations!!!!!), "You know, I shop here a lot and I always have at least one of my children with me. I think that Cosmo magazine you have in the checkout isle is very offensive and I don't think my kids really need to read......."--I listed the article title to him, but I don't need to spell it out here. So, the man was really nice, and apologized and said he would talk to his manager about it, that he had no control over what magazines were there, would never want to offend a customer, and blah, blah. I told him some stores actually put Cosmo behind a metal cover thing, which is true. He was polite and I couldn't tell what he was really thinking. There were 2 other employees nearby with their ears plastered to listen to the whole conversation. That was a really hard thing for me to do. (Did I mention I hate confrontations?) But you know, I just think we Christians have been silent for far too long. We have somehow lost our voice, and now are, I believe, truly on the verge of losing our freedoms to speak out for the truth. But if we don't speak for what is right, then who will? I don't know, it was just a little thing, but I just thought they should know that someone found their magazine display offensive.
That's all. :-)


Cara said...

My mom rocks!

Anonymous said...

Yay Mommy! Sock it to 'em!!!


Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1