
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Here is a picture of Cara this morning:

Here is a picture of Cara this afternoon:
Notice anything?
Yep, she got her braces off--for the second time--today!

This week is back to the old grindstone....school, Awanas, karate, piano, the usual. As much as we enjoyed our Christmas break, it feels GOOD to be back on a routine. Kids (and Mama) are just happier when they have a schedule and productive work to do. Even if they don't know it, it's true.
Now, here is a story of a cat and a girl.......
When this girl was little, she sucked her thumb.
All. The. Time!!
Her parents tried everything in the world to get her to stop. They tried hot sauce and other unpleasant tasting things on the thumb; they tried punishments, rewards, etc. They even tried making her wear a glove all the time, but that didn't work because then people thought she was trying to look like Michael Jackson, and that was not the look her parents were going for! Anyway, this girl got to 9 1/2 and she still sucked that thumb like crazy. And her parents really wanted her to stop because she was ruining her teeth and they were trying to avoid braces down the road. Plus they just figured she was old enough to stop. But one day her mom figured out just the right incentive,because this girl was CRAZY about cats, and wanted one very badly. Now her parents weren't cat people and had no desire for a cat, but they really loved their little girl and really wanted her to stop, and so they decided to promise the girl that if she stopped sucking her thumb, they would get her a cat for her 10th birthday. Well, that little girl just stopped sucking cold turkey and never went back!! (Which didn't stop her need for braces down the road, but oh well). And the day after her 10th birthday, she got her cat, whom she named Buddy.
Now the girl is a beautiful young lady named Cara (who just got her braces off finally), and the cat, well, the cat is missing!!! So if anyone out there wants to say a prayer for Buddy, now would be a good time!!!
I know, what dumb story, but Buddy really is missing since about Sunday and although he likes to roam and carouse during the nights, he usually comes home for breakfast and a nice place to doze during the day.
Now, off to fix dinner and get these guys ready for Awanas tonight.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1