
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our Saturday

Yesterday the girls and I went to my parents' church for a Mother's Day luncheon. In our group, besides the girls and me, was my mom, Ralph's mom, Sis-in-Love Lynn, my sister Jennifer, and her mother-in-law. The food was good, and the company was good.
Since my sister was in charge of music, Cara and I were asked to sing one of our songs that we have written together. I'm so thankful for times to spend with my family.
Some coming Events in the exciting life of the Houseful of Blessings are:

This coming weekend, we are going camping at Lake Camanche.

The weekend after that is Mother's Day and Joey is getting baptized!!

To end the post, I will leave you with a little picture Cara took during Math time. This is why Joey takes so long to get his Math done, because he does things like this all morning. I would be worried, except that Danny and Nick were exactly the same way at this age. sigh.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1