
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Once Upon a Time......

"There was a sweet little girl named Rebecca. She loved her family very much, but there was someone she loved even more than them and his name was Jesus. She loved Him so much that she gave her life to Him and called Him her Savior. But He loved her first so much that He died for her, and forgave her for all her sins... past, present and future. Now that is some kind of love. He did this so that they would always be together. In return she said you are my Lord and I will follow you all the days of my life. Then she got baptized to show the world about that commitment she made to love and honor Him. And she lived happily ever after... for ever and ever Amen.

(The above was written in an email Rebecca received from her beloved Aunty Lynn).

Today Rebecca showed the whole world (or at least our whole church) that she is a follower of Jesus Christ. It was a sweet baptism to start off a sweet time of worship. She was so cute. Her feet went up in the air as she went down, and she told me later that was embarrassing, but to the rest of the church it was just cute. Rebecca is a very loving little girl (who can also have a temper, let me tell ya, but she couldn't have gotten that from me............;-), and hugs everyone. There are people in our church who have to get a Rebecca-hug fix every Sunday. And she is happy to oblige. God was so good when he gave us Rebecca. He was so good when he gave us each one of our kids. The pastor asked tonight do you have blessings that God has given you, and I immediately thought of the blessings of our children, and the blessing of my parents who came up today to be at the baptism. I think we were able to bless them today too. I know they loved the song Cara and I sang, and my mom said it made her happy and proud to see Danny, Nick, and Ralph taking the offering and serving in church. I am just so thankful that my mom is out of the wheelchair for short walks and is starting to heal. It's been a long road for her, and sometimes I questioned why it had to happen, but God knows and it's not my place to question.
Anyway, after church, we took a nice picnic lunch to the park. And we FROZE. Yesterday was just so nice and I guess we were expecting today to be just as warm, so none of us (except Samantha) brought a jacket. So after we couldn't take it anymore, we just had to get out of the cold and wind. Mom can't get up our stairs yet, so we decided the next best thing would be to go to McDonalds and have hot fudge sundaes! So we took our after-baptism party to McDonalds and had some more sweet fellowship with Grandma and Grandpa before they headed for home and we headed home to get ready for the evening worship service.
In other news, Cara is still trying to get over a terrible sinus/bronchial infection. She is also giving me the puppy-dog eyes about replacing her beloved cat, Buddy, who disappeared a while back. I don't want another pet to feed, I'm trying to cut expenses, but she just has those sad eyes.......
(at least til she gives me those eyes again......)
No for now, but I'll probably cave.......maybe.......
No, I'm gonna stand strong! I think....

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Ahhhh I was hoping you would post a picture of Rebecca. I only wish I could have seen those sweet feet going up in the air! The feet that will carry her through life as she shares the GOOD NEWS!!! what a love bug. XOXOXO

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1