
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

22 Years of Wedded Bliss

25 years ago, I met Ralph. He was 19 and I was 15, and he didn't know I was alive. My sister Jennifer was going out with his best friend, Mike. After Jenn broke up with Mike, I figured I wouldn't see Ralph anymore.
24 years ago, Ralph and Mike came into Carl's Jr. where I worked, and Ralph suddenly noticed that I was, indeed, alive, and we had our first date. It was a double date with Mike and some girl, and I don't remember the movie we saw, but I do remember that I had to quickly break up with my current boyfriend so I could go out on the date. (I was getting ready to anyways, ok,? :-) The other obstacle was that my dad thought Ralph was a "rowdy" (maybe that's why I liked him?) and almost didn't let me go. But Mom smoothed things over and the date was ok'd.
About 23 years ago, Ralph got me a ring. (And, no, I don't have any cute and romantic proposal story to tell. Ralph's just not that kinda guy, and that's ok.)
And 22 years ago today, we said "I do". It's been a good 22 years, and I wouldn't change a thing. (Except maybe that extreme fighting stuff he likes to watch? Yuk!)
So, what did we do for our anniversary? A romantic candlit dinner for two, perhaps? Oh, no, not for us. We spent our anniversary taking 8 kids (our 7 plus our semi-adopted daughter, Colette) to the county fair and then out to pizza. Now that's what I call an anniversary party. I mean it, too. Just being a family, hanging out, it's my idea of fun. Jackson had his first "motorcycle ride", and he thought that was pretty cool. There was no one in line, and so the ride went on and on and on, so Jack was pretty impressed. Toward the end, he finally figured out he wasn't really steering, and you could tell that burst his bubble a little, because up to that point, he was really intent on making sure he was steering right. He wouldn't even wave to us; he didn't want to crash.
The little kids (and the biggest guy, who had been up since 2:30 this morning--he had to work a few hours this morning--) are tucked into bed. The big ones are sitting at my kitchen table playing a really old game called Mille Bornes with Colette, and life is good.
I didn't take any pictures at the fair, since I was too lazy to carry the camera around, so I'll leave you with a couple of pictures from last night's Friday night pizza. (And yes, that means we had pizza 2 nights in a row...)Nick made these jalepeno poppers (all by himself) from peppers we grew out on our little deck garden. They were delicious, too.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1