
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Our busy weekend

Saturday was our church's annual carnival, or as Jackson says so cutely, coinival (he can't say his R's right yet). They had a petting zoo, bounce house, water slide, games, prizes, face painting, popcorn, hot dogs, soda, ice cream, and snow cones! The kids had a ball. Danny and Cara were there at 8 am helping to set up, then worked the whole carnival, Danny helping with the snow cones and Cara with the bounce house. Then they stayed to help clean everything up so they were at the church most of the day. I'm proud of their willingness to give up their Saturday to serve the Lord. There were lots of families there and some are planning to bring their kids to Vacation Bible School this week, which is the main idea of the carnival, to get the word out about VBS. There was even a mom of 10 very sweet kids there, and she is planning on coming. Cara is hoping the mom will come to the adult class, because she has 2 kids under 3 and Cara and I are doing nursery for any babies 2 and under whose parents come to the adult class. And Cara is really hoping for some babies to watch. Otherwise it would just be us 2 watching Jackson. Anyway, it sounded like she plans to, so that will be great!
Yesterday after church Omi came up and brought steaks!, which is rare treat, so Ralph barbecued chicken and the steaks and we had a feast. Then Cara had 3 girls over from church, one of them being our summer missionary who is here to help with VBS, to watch Sense and Sensibility. The guys just love those Jane Austen movies....NOT! :-) Then we went back for night church. Our pastor talked about Jesus being with us during the storms. That storms will come, but that we don't need to be afraid because Jesus is right there with us through it all. That is so good for me to hear because I have been sort of anxious lately about the state of the world, our country, and where it is going, etc. I am trying not to be anxious, because God says not to be, but it has been challenging lately for me. That is something I am working on and praying through.
So today is the first day of VBS and I need to get the kids up soon and get all the morning stuff accomplished and everyone ready so we can get there a little early to decorate our room. We weren't planning on decorating, since it is just the nursery and the nursery is decorated nicely for babies anyway, but we decided last minute to throw a few decorations up since everyone else's rooms look so cute and all. (Our theme is called Outrigger Island, and it's a Hawaiian theme.)
So that is my ramble for today.
Today I'm praying for:
a productive VBS, that leads families to Christ,
my friend Teri's health,
and for me to be able to trust the Lord to take us through whatever storms may come.
Today I'm thankful for:
plenty of food to feed my family,
children who love the Lord,
and a sweet little almost 3-year-old who loves to cuddle!

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1