
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dear Gracie Girl - Your First Few Days

Dear Gracie,

As soon as you were born, they gave you right to me.  I got to hold you and feed you and get to know you for a good hour before they took you away to be weighed and measured.  Then Daddy held you.  After a while though, Daddy had to go home to get some sleep, because he was really tired.  He had been up for over 24 hours by that time.  So Daddy went home and it was just you and me.  It was quiet and we rested for what was left of the night.

Later in the morning, your Grandma and Grandpa came up to meet you.
Then Daddy brought all your siblings to meet you, except Danny (Danny was at work).
Later that night, Danny came to see you.  But sadly I didn't take a picture.  And Daddy came again too.
The next day, Thursday, Daddy came back to see us in the morning.  Cara and Colette were with him.  Then the girls left to do some shopping and Daddy stayed a bit longer, before going home to check on the other kids.  You and I spent the day just resting and spending time together.  Later in the afternoon, the girls came back and brought me a coffee toffee, my favorite coffee drink, and a bunch of cute clothes Cara had bought for you. That night, after dinner, Daddy came back and my doctor and your doctor said we could go home!  I couldn't wait to get home with you, so we could just relax in our own rocking chair and bed.  Here you are dressed and waiting to go, in the outfit Daddy and I bought the day we found out you were a girl.  (I was so excited to learn you were a girl, I made Daddy take me shopping for something pink as soon as we left the ultrasound appointment).
Here you are, just arrived home.  Look how tiny you were.
On Friday the Hoffmans came to see you for a while we just hung out at home and Cara and Colette made us all a big spaghetti dinner.

I don't remember much about that Saturday, except Daddy and Samantha went grocery shopping and you and I took a nap.
On Sunday, you went to church, 4 days old, dressed in the outfit Cara bought you.  Everybody at church gathered around you and said you were beautiful!

After church, Omi came to see you.
And those are the highlights of your first few days at home.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1