
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday to Joey

Sunday we celebrated Joey's 11th birthday. So, the grandparents came up, and Joey picked the same old birthday meal almost everyone seems to pick around here---lasagne, garlic bread, and salad. After that, it was time to sing happy birthday to the birthday boy. Make a wish!
Then, while the Buster Bar Ice Cream Cake softened up a bit, it was time to open the presents. One of the benefits of many siblings, is, in addition to the usual presents from parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles, you also have many siblings to buy you presents!!
After the ice cream cake, we all sat around digesting and visiting and Joey played with all his new stuff--with the ever-present help of Jackson, of course.

"I had an awesome birthday!!!," said the birthday boy. Yeah, life is good in the Houseful of Blessings.

1 comment:

Walt said...

And I loved being a beneficiary (Buster Bar Ice Cream Cake) of Joey's special birthday. Go Joey!!!!

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1