
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Monday, May 17, 2010

First camping trip of the year

This past weekend, we went to Lake Minden, a place we used to go with my parents before we even had kids and when our big kids were little kids.

(Danny caught his first fish at Lake Minden.)
The weather was beautiful and it was just what we needed--a time to be a family, and not have anything pressing we just had to do--just be together and take a break from the "real" world for a while. Unfortunately, Danny couldn't go; he spent the weekend working and studying like crazy for finals. Although we missed him, it was a good thing for all of us, because he appreciated the quiet house to study in, and we appreciated that he was at home taking care of things (most especially the dog, who is a PAIN to take camping). God provided us with perfect weather and a really nice campsite. Here is the view from the back of our campsite:We swam
attempted to fish (but caught nothing....)hung out,

and swam some more.

There were also r/c boat races all weekend, and we, especially Ralph and Nick, watched those quite a bit.
Oh, and we ate a lot.
Just another memory to file in the family memory banks...


Walt said...

Uh oh. Picture #3. Is it what I think it is? Look out. I think it is . . .the beginning of . . . . . .THE GLARE!!!!!

Walt said...

Okay, correction. Referring to overall picture #5. But picture #4 of the current trip. hahaha. But she'll claim it was just the sun in her eyes. Uh huh.

Megan said...

While there's no denying Cara is very good at giving THE GLARE, in her defense, the sun was in her eyes....

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1