
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Danny's 9 Things

1. He loves the Lord and wants to serve Him.

2. He's smart.

3. He's funny and goofy sometimes, but you have to know him well to see his goofy side.

4. He's a hard worker.

5. He's dependable.

6. He'll make a great husband and dad some day. But not too soon. :-)

7. He loves karate and chocolate, not sure which comes first.

8. He's our fix-it guy around here.

9. He's very kind to Jackson, and Jackson adores him.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1