
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pictureless Post/ General catch-up

So many things have happened, I don't really know where to start. I think I will do a general catching up post, and then several individual posts.

Ralph and Jackson and I took Cara back to college. We got stuck in crazy traffic on the way down (3 miles in 3 hours on the Grapevine), got there late, moved her in the next morning, and drove home. Long, long 2 days. But, hey, I got my favorite Denny's chicken sandwich out of the deal on the way down, so I was happy. :-) It was hard to leave Cara again, but not as hard as last year, for either of us.

We started school back up, with the remaining 5 at home. Jackson is in 1st grade this year and is now ready to learn to read. We have our school time together every morning, and for the most part, we both enjoy it. Rebecca is in 5th this year, Joey in 7th, Samantha in 9th, and Nick in 11th. Nick is taking the PSAT this weekend, and if he does as well on the real test as he has been doing in the practice tests, I think he will score somewhere in the 95th to 98th percentile. We'll see how he does under pressure, but I'm proud of him no matter what.

AWANA has started back up. This is Jackson's first year, and after being uncertain the first couple of weeks, he LOVES it. He has memorized quite a few verses already, as have the other kids.

The kids are still doing karate. Nick teaches a kids class on Mondays, then does the black belt class that night (Danny too). Danny and Nick teach at the Nazarene church on Thursday nights and all the kids but Jackson (and Cara of course) attend that one. Danny has also been teaching on Friday nights lately.

Danny has been very busy with school, working towards both his bachelors and masters degrees at the same time. He stays 2 nights a week down with Grandma and Grandpa, and Grandma is trying to fatten him up. :-)

Hmmm, Joey had to have 4 teeth pulled, cause they just wouldn't come out on their own.

Ok, that's the general news. Now, if my camera will cooperate with me, I will do some separate posts.

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Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1