
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I promised myself I would be more faithful about blogging...so I can remember things, for my Mom, and to keep Cara up to date about life in the Houseful of Blessings while she is at college.....
So, while I don't have anything earthshaking to say, here is a couple of pictures. The first is of Jackson on his real birthday. I know that we celebrated it early with Danny this year, but we just don't pass up an excuse to have cake around here. It's just not done. So here is the little guy with his second birthday cake of 2010. :-)
This picture is just of last Friday's pizza night. Almost every Friday, I make 4 pizzas, and then...well, then we eat them. We really love pizza. And this last Friday, even without Cara and Colette, we only managed to have 4 pieces left. (And I only ate 2 pieces...there was some mighty hungry kids around here.)
We are still getting used to having Cara away. Cara is still adjusting to being away. We talk every day on "Instant Messaging", and many days on the web-cam for a few minutes too. She is still finding her way around and learning what she wants to do and who God wants her to be.

Monday was Labor Day and for the first time in several years, Ralph had it off of work. Danny was off too and so Ralph declared it a wood-splitting day. Sooo, we rented a splitter and all the boys worked really hard outside with Ralph and got lots of wood split...and we still have alot of wood left to split...eventually. The girls helped me in the house with some cleaning projects, and then they made Christmas cookies....on Labor Day. :-) Then, after all the work was done, we had a big family barbecue--ribs, corn on the cob, watermelon, potato salad, the girls' cookies, and ice cream. It was a good day. Only missing one thing....(or one girl)... :-(

Then Tuesday was back to school and the routine. Some of the kids have little colds, so we are trying to get a little extra rest. But other than that, life goes on.

God has sure given us some beautiful weather and a beautiful world to live in, for which I am very thankful.

So.........that's all the latest in our little world.


Walt said...

Okay, I'm counting noses, and counting how many pizza slices I see, and I'm thinkin', "hmmmmmmm".

Cara said...

I..........have missed out on a lot of good food!!!! :(

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1