
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It was a Merry Christmas...

On Christmas Eve we went to Omi's house as usual, to visit with Ralph's family and eat pizza. It used to be German brats every year, that is the traditional German Christmas Eve meal. But these last few years, Ralph's mom hasn't really felt like fixing them and the only ones who miss them are Ralph's sister and her husband. The rest of us are quite happy with the pizza. Here is a picture from that night that could have turned out really nice had it not been for that mirror...oh well, you get the idea.
On Christmas morning we had our family Christmas morning mayhem.

Then after breakfast, we headed down to my parents for our 3rd Christmas. It was great. There were about 30 people there. Here are some of them gathered around to listen to my mom read the Christmas story. The food was great (and plenteous!!!), and it was great to see all my brothers and sisters and their families.
This week, Ralph is off and we have been doing nothing but playing the new Wii, it seems. Next week, it will be back to work for Ralph and back to school for us, but for now, it's nice to be lazy and play games and have nowhere we have to go.
God is so good to us!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today's song and what we've been up to

We've just been so very busy in the Houseful of Blessings and I just haven't kept up with this blog. There's been Christmas shopping and wrapping and gift making and one day I got all caught up in making homemade bows, as if I really had time for that, but my usually nonexistant crafty side just had to come out a little. Last night we did our annual drive around and look at Christmas lights trip and ride the Christmas train in Ione on Candy Cane Lane. There was even a Santa there who asked Rebecca what she wanted for Christmas and she had no clue what to say, we not really being into Santa around here, but Jackson knew exactly what to ask for. He had just witnessed Rebecca get a candy cane from Santa so he was anxious to get up there on Santa's lap and when asked what he wanted he was quite sure that what he wanted for Christmas was a candy cane. And he got it, too, which made him immensely happy. I guess I can take those toys back now. :-)
Today at church Danny and Colette played this song:
Now my littles are tucked into bed and the big ones are playing a game with Colette, who we have seen lots of this week, and we love it. There is so much more I could post but time eludes me these days and so I will just show a picture of the icicles we had during the big storm. I never remember having icicles like these ones here before. It was sooooooo cold, and that's saying a lot cause I'm hardly ever cold, but I just didn't really feel warm for days. The kids on the other hand went out in that snow every day all week and had a blast. I guess that's all for now.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Traditions live on

Yesterday Ralph took off work and we went on our almost annual trek to Apple Hill to get our Christmas tree. (We have missed a few years but not very many at all because the kids all cry and whine if we even suggest changing tradition...and maybe Ralph and I love it too). Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, we met Danny in Jackson after his Friday morning class, and headed up for the traditional Carl's Jr. lunch. Then off to the tree farms. We actually stopped at a new place this year, but no, we had to move on to the only place we get our tree every year, Indian Rock Tree Farm. Excuse these dumb pictures....Of course, after we secure the tree, we have to go to High Hill Ranch to get cider samples, browse the hoohaws, and buy some apple cider and apples to take home. And I even got part of my dad's Christmas present there, but I can't talk about that cause he might read it and that would spoil the surprise and all....
After that we walk on over to the Fudge Factory where Ralph always buys everyone one small treat and this year Danny bought everyone caramel apples. And Jackson got a tractor ride while we were at it.
After that, it was time to head on home to get the tree up and decorated. Ralph just loves to put the lights on.......ok, so he really hates it but does it to please me.........and then with his part done, the kids and I do the rest. And here is the finished tree. I'm telling ya, it's the best Christmas tree EVER! I'm just so overflowing with thanksgiving to God that he once again provided the means to have such a memory filled day with my family. I don't take that for granted. God is just so good.

Goodbye Ralphie

Thursday we said goodbye to a friend. Samantha got Ralphie for her 10th birthday, the magical age when a child in the Houseful of Blessings may get a pet. She was so excited. She faithfully took care of her friend, and made sure he got carrot or other veggie treats every single day, and even took him for walks in the stroller---in public!
That little spot on the grass below is Ralphie enjoying an afternoon outside while the girls draw.Samantha even made him a birthday hat for his second birthday.So it really was a sad day. Wednesday he just didn't seem himself. He was more of a blob than usual and then towards evening he just seemed to get worse. When I got back from taking the kids to Awanas, it was obvious he was suffering and so I just asked God to please let him die while Samantha was at Awanas so she wouldn't have to see him suffer, and God graciously granted my request. So Ralph put him in a box and we broke the news to Samantha when she got home. There were many tears....
So Thursday morning, we buried Samantha's faithful friend.He really was a sweet little rodent.
I was so glad that the H family was scheduled to come over for lunch. I knew it would do Samantha good to have good friends to take her mind off of things. And it worked. We had a wonderful time as we always do and the day flew by as it always does. It wasn't until after they were gone that Samantha remembered to be sad again....
But life goes on.....
Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1