
I'm Megan, wife to Ralph, homeschooling mom to 7 blessings from the Lord. I just blog about our everyday life as we try to live for and follow Jesus.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Who will mourn for you?

I guess your mama doesn't want you
And your daddy doesn't care
And the world says you're a burden
Who would only cause despair.
The doctor says you're just some tissue
And that it won't hurt at all
When they take your life and throw you
In the dumpster down the hall.

So who will mourn for you
When your short life is through?
When you take your final ragged breath
In a cruel and heartless death
Who will mourn, who will mourn for you?

Well, I know that Jesus loves you
And he'll take you in His arms
But it was never in His plan
For this world to cause you harm.
And you could make a difference
If you only had the chance
But this lost and blinded world
Chooses not to understand.

Who will mourn for you
When your short life is through?
When you take your final ragged breath
In a cruel and heartless death
Who will mourn, who will mourn for you?

You've got tiny hands and feet
And sometimes you suck your thumb
And your little heart is beating.
I wonder who you'd have become?
Well, you might have been a hero
Or just an ordinary soul
Who lived a quiet life for Jesus
But I guess we'll never know.

So I will mourn for you
And the life you never led
Though I know you'll go to Jesus,
And He'll dry the tears you shed
Still I will mourn, I will mourn for you.
And I will speak, I will speak for you.

You know, I understand why a "lost and blinded world" would choose to vote for a man who is the most pro-abortion president we have ever had (they're lost and blinded!), but I really and truly do NOT understand how those who claim the name of Jesus voted for a man who voted (more than once) against saving the life of a precious baby who was still alive after a botched abortion.
I never will understand.
End of depressing post........

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas around here.

Yesterday we decorated for Christmas. All the nativity scenes and snowmen are scattered throughout the house, and the tree is up! First we had to clean out the shed and see if the skunk that was living in there for a while did any damage to the Christmas stuff that was in "his" corner. But everything is ok, the shed is cleaner than it has been in years, we got rid of tons of stuff, and got all the Christmas stuff out. Then we went down to get our Christmas tree. We got it at True Value this year 'cause Danny as an employee could get it for cost. That is not our tradition, but it works this year. Traditionally we go to fast food for lunch on the way to Apple Hill to cut our own tree down, then to High Hill Ranch for cider and shopping, then to the Fudge Factory for everyone to pick out a candy, then whatever else we decide to do. But, it is an expensive trip, and Danny wouldn't have been able to go (can't spare a day away from homework til after school lets out the 15th), so we decided to forgo tradition this year. So this year it was True Value tree and Papa Murphy's pizza and milkshakes at home. It was still fun. Then after decorating, the kids watched "A Boy Named Charlie Brown".
So that was our Saturday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I sit here in my quiet house, with my dear husband and seven blessings tucked into bed after a day of Thanksgiving. And I think of all the things I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for this wonderful day, spent in Elk Grove with most of my family (about 34 people in all!). We had more food than we could eat--turkey, ham, 3 types of potatoes, green beans, jello salad, rolls, etc. , 20 bazillion pies, all kinds of chips and dips and candies. There was laughing, hugging, lots of eating, a little football watching, playing on the Wi, pingpong in the garage. Just a wonderful day with a wonderful family that God has given to me. I took not one single picture, but hopefully sis-in-love Lynn will email me a few........
So yeah, there is so much I have to be thankful for. I have a healthy family, a Christian husband who works so hard for us, children who love the Lord, sweet hugs and snuggles every day, plenty of food, clothes to wear, a bed to lay down in at night, a car to drive where I want/need to go. As if that wasn't enough, I have a closet full of Christmas surprises just waiting to be wrapped, and CHRISTMAS IS COMING! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! So tonight I don't worry about the state of the country, or what may happen next year or next month or tomorrow. I just thank my Heavenly Father for His sweet blessings and the sweetest gift he gave us, salvation.
Psalm 107:1
O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 100
"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yes, we're still alive, just busy

Last Wednesday night was the Awana Grand Prix. The Schow clan ended up taking 3 trophies home. Samantha got 3rd place for speed in her division, Nick got 3rd place for design in his division, and Rebecca got 1st place! for designing her "Daddy's nap" car. Here are some not great pictures of the masterpieces. My camera isn't taking good pictures lately, and I know it's something I messed up in the settings, but do you think I have taken the time to read the manual and figure out the problem? Obviously not looking at these pictures. But here goes anyway:
Cara's Flying Rooster
Nick's Sea Monster
Samantha's American Flag car
Joey's race car
Rebecca's "Daddy's Nap" bed

Today we went to the local park after lunch. The bigger kids played some tennis (they may not play so well, but it's really good entertainment-hehe), and the little ones played in the playground. Jackson has discovered the really high slide. The one that if he fell from the top he would most certainly break bones.........But he does really well and Mommy just has to be quiet and let him be a big boy and do it....

In case anyone is wondering, Thanksgiving is 6 days away and Christmas less than 5 weeks! I have been busy with some Christmas surprises that I can't mention here, and I love it! Christmas is my favorite time of year. What's not to love? I get to spend time with my kids baking cookies, decorating gingerbread men, making candies, listening to Christmas music, taking a little time off of school, decorating.......ok, you get the picture. We just have alot of fun around here this time of year. And if I throw myself into Christmas, I don't have time to think about what January may bring.....(But I know God is still God and He has things all under control, so that's all I need to know for now.)

Gotta go for now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jackson has new shoes......

And he won't take them off! Last night, I made him take them off to sleep. He was not amused. This morning, before he was even all the way awake, the first thing he did was jump up and put them back on. Then a few mintues ago, after bath, back on again. Guess bedtime will be fun getting them off again. :-)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday, Nick!

Ok, so I'm still here. I don't know for how much longer, but.......
Nick had a birthday on Saturday! The big 13. Another teenager. But the good thing is, that I love teenagers! I love littles, middles, and olders. They're all fun. They're all blessings from God.
So anyway, we went down to Grandma and Grandpa's for the celebration. Omi, Uncle Scott, and Aunt Lynn came too. We had a smashing time!
Today Cara had to go back again to the oral surgeon, but finally he is satisfied that she is healing! So praise the Lord, that's over.
Today I'm thankful for:
the way God supplies ALL our needs, including new shoes for 3 kiddos today,
Cara's mouth finally healing,
and a warm cozy fire in the wood stove and a family to enjoy it with.
Today I'm praying for:
My mom to heal and get out of that CHAIR!
Danny to find God's plan for his life,
and for a spiritual revival in our country.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The End.....I think.......

I think.......I'm pretty sure......I'm gonna shut my blog down. As much as I have enjoyed keeping a record of our lives, I think now is the time to take my thoughts (and pictures) out of cyberspace. In the spirit of protecting my family, I just don't want to be "out there" with the way things are......
So probably in a few days, it will be gone.
Thanks to those who took the time to share a little of our life.
God bless!
Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1